About wRanter.com

Hey there. I’m Daniel. Some people call me Dan, others Danny. Some people have called me much nastier things, and likely still do. I’m a middle class Jewish husband and father of two boys living in the inner suburbs of mid-town Toronto.

Daniel in Caesarea at wRanter.comFor the past 4 years, I’ve been a content designer/UX writer at a couple of the country’s largest banks. For 17 years or so prior to that, I was an editor at the country’s largest Jewish weekly newspaper. Before that, I worked for a while as an editor at the country’s largest daily, until I left for a slightly gentler pace in order to take more responsibility at home for the kids while my wife earned some (semi-) real money as a public servant.

Before that, I spent way too long in school.

This blog was something I’d been contemplating for a long time, as I immersed myself in the news on a daily basis, and as the child-rearing black hole that were my thirties put me in contact with more and more pinheads in my work, parenting and personal lives.

But save for the occasional opinion piece, I never really bothered to follow up on the urge to write, or rant, until now.

(This site’s name, wRanter, is a play on my last name, Wolgelerenter. I had considered calling it WolgeleRANTER, but even I have trouble spelling that.)

So, with no particular expectations, I’ve offered up some thoughts and put them out there, in the hope that someone might care. Not I mind too much if no one does. This is mainly for me – a place to get things off my chest and ruminate on stuff that interests or titillates me.

You might be asking, “Who is this guy and why should we care?” Or perhaps, “Why now and not 15 years ago, when blogs were actually sort of sexy?” Both are good questions.

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! at wRanter.com
Sometimes I can relate…

I answer semi-humbly that I probably should have been given one of those generalist newspaper columns of yesteryear, but I took some odd career turns before coming to that conclusion. Now there aren’t enough of those columns to go around (if there ever were). Also, newspapers as we know them are in the process of disappearing entirely.
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Or maybe I should have been a talk-radio shock jock, but even in Canada, those jobs only go to right-wing wingnuts, don’t they?

Nevertheless, opinions still fulminate and need a place to go, and thanks to the magic of the interweb, they can have a place of their own, out there.

Sometimes I write and rant about stuff that’s been kicking around my brain for a while (maybe even years). Sometimes I write about stuff that’s fresh but perhaps a bit parochial.  As a result, this blog might seem a bit unfocused at times, lurching from politics to parenting to sports to Israel to whatever other topic may have happened to keep me up the night before.

But so what?

One thing I try hard not to do, though, is to be too much of a one-trick pony, or to score cheap rhetorical points by insulting or criticizing a community I feel an affinity for.

Here’s what I hope you can expect if you poke around: simple, direct writing, and (hopefully) unvarnished, gut-felt opinions (some of them undoubtedly half-assed, naive and perhaps even wrong, although I doubt it – you tell me). If I’m lucky, maybe there will even be some wit, and, ideally, the occasional insight.

If you don’t agree with me, let me know with an e-mail, tweet, comment, or whatever. Not that I truly care too much, because I’m past 40 and I know where my next meal is coming from.

I try to show that people in my ideological tribe can be outspoken in a common-sensical kind of way, but other than that, I have no grand plan. I’m just trying not to get sued or embarrass my wife and kids (or myself).

I fear that a little shame and opprobrium is unavoidable, though, and I’ll probably be somewhat disappointed if some of that didn’t happen, because writers gotta write, and ranters gotta rant, you know?

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